Real Estate investing has long been proven to make tons of
CA$H for the active investor and many of the real estate
investing methods and techniques used to make some of
the biggest (and quickest) CA$H only require a little time
and a bit of knowledge (i.e., NO MONEY and NO CREDIT!) to
rapidly bring home a really big check!
That is the appeal of Real Estate investing courses to most
people ¨C to do deals that require little/no money or credit
yet pay back huge rewards for the time and knowledge you
get from following their systems.
Yet, the “investing” gets a bit lost in most of the world of
“Real Estate Investing” – there is no “investing” other than
a bit of time – there is no ROI (Return On Investment) other
than the time-for-money factor.
That is why I call these activities Real Estate Investing Jobs –
they stop bringing income as soon as you stop working
Real Estate Investing through these jobs, while they make
you CA$H, will never give you financial freedom as they only
generate quick money and not long-term, passive income.
This article will look at some of the more popular methods of
Real Estate Investing jobs.
One of the biggest challenges to overcome is the fact that,
when discussing the money made through Real Estate
Investing, the numbers of dollars are much more than your
common corporate job, and many people simply are not
ready to handle such discussions.
You see, when you were very young, you were
programmed to think that $X was a large amount and often
this amount was only a few hundred, or perhaps, a few
thousand, dollars.
Yet, when discussing Real estate investing deals, there are
often multiple thousands of dollars at stake.
Most people simply are not used to discussing such
numbers, and wind up not making the money they could.
They simply have not learned the language of Real Estate
One of the first lessons I teach my students is how to get
past the fear of discussing hundreds of thousands of dollars
and changing the programming you were given as a child to
form open ideas about money and investing to make even
more money.the hill one north