Best Treatments for Teeth Sensitivity

If you have sensitive teeth, you know how much it can affect your daily life. Whether it’s the cold air or foods that cause pain, your dentist has treatments available to help you deal with tooth sensitivity.Robina Dental

1. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush (with the ADA seal of approval)

It’s easy to brush your teeth too hard, which can cause gum irritation and increase sensitivity. Instead, gently brush your teeth up and down using short strokes. You can also try a toothpaste that contains desensitizing compounds, such as potassium nitrate, to protect your nerves from irritants.

2. Avoid whitening toothpastes

Some whitening toothpastes can actually worsen tooth sensitivity. The abrasive ingredients in these products can wear away at the enamel and expose the dentin pores, which causes sensitivity. You can also ask your dentist if you might benefit from a prescription fluoride toothpaste to reduce your sensitivity.

3. Don’t drink acidic beverages and food

A diet high in acidic foods and drinks can erode the protective enamel layer of your teeth, exposing dentin pores that can be irritated by heat and cold. To avoid this, you should eat and drink a variety of foods and drinks to maintain an even pH level in your mouth, including plenty of water and sugar-free gum.

4. Seek dental treatment for underlying concerns that may be causing your sensitivity

The most common cause of tooth sensitivity is the loss of dentin’s protective covering, usually due to erosion and gum recession. This loss allows the softer, inner dentine to become exposed, and it contains thousands of tiny tubules that lead to your tooth’s center, which is called the pulp. These channels allow hot, cold and sweet substances to reach the nerve in your tooth, which can cause pain.

5. Use desensitizing toothpastes

If you have a chronic case of tooth sensitivity, your dentist can prescribe a toothpaste that contains desensitizing agents to block the transmission of sensation from the surface of your tooth to the nerve. This treatment often requires several applications before the sensitivity is reduced.

6. Don’t grind your teeth

Crushing or grinding your teeth can cause inflammation in the jaw and exacerbate sensitivity. The best way to avoid this is by wearing a professional nightguard when you sleep, which will protect your jaw and reduce pain caused by teeth grinding.

7. Surgical gum grafts

If your sensitivity is a result of lost gum tissue, your dentist can harvest a small amount of tissue from another part of your mouth and attach it to the area affected by sensitivity. This will restore the protective layer of gum tissue, reducing your pain.

8. Root canal

If the sensitivity is severe and persistent, your dentist may recommend a root canal to remove the damaged nerve inside the decayed or fractured tooth. This procedure can eliminate the pain caused by a cracked or decayed tooth, and it will prevent future damage from occurring.

9. Floss twice per day

If you have sensitive teeth, flossing can alleviate sensitivity and prevent the buildup of bacteria in your gum pockets. This can reduce the frequency of visits to your dentist, reducing your risk of developing periodontal disease.

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