Finding a great hairdresser is hard enough, doubly so for those with curls. Those with kinky, wavy or curly locks often spend years barber-hopping and salon-sampling, enduring innumerable smile-through-the-tears moments as new stylists attempt to understand their wayward mane. Whether it’s a dry haircut cutting each individual curl, an expert colour correction or the right product recommendations, there is a higher level of service required for someone who genuinely specializes in curly hair.
Here, we’ve curated the best curly hairdressers Melbourne has to offer so you can finally find that perfect match.
When you find a great hairdresser who knows your kinky wavy or curly locks, it’s like winning the lottery. They know how to cut and style your hair for its natural beauty, ensuring it stays healthy and looking its very best. These incredibly skilled curl-friendly hairdressers are here to help you love your hair and feel confident in it, whether it’s just for fun or for the big day.curly hairdresser Melbourne