Whether you’re new to the game or a long-time player, there are some things that every champion needs to know. These ‘Legendary’ tips will help you build the foundation of your LoL gameplay, from building the right items to understanding how to play each champion in the most efficient way possible.
Before the millions of players and billions in revenue, League of Legends was a bunch of people slapping together an esports-style video game on the side of their day jobs. The team at Riot Games was a group of super-fans who had spent years dreaming about the game, but the reality was often terrifying, with wild leaps of faith and massive deadlines threatening to break the whole thing apart.
Those who want to achieve large skill growth and play competitively need to treat League as a full-time activity, just like a serious sport or academic pursuit. The path to success is similar to that of a professional athlete–at the start, you learn the fundamentals and how each part of the game works. Attempting to jump straight into a highly complex game without understanding the basics is like trying to learn chess without learning how the pieces move or basic strategies–and it’s one of the main reasons why so many people end up stuck in their current rank for months and years. 롤대리