Conversion Gallon per minute is a unit used to measure the volume of liquid that flows in one minute. GPM is also known as a water flow rate and it can be found on many pressure pumps, measuring the number of gallons that will pass through the pump in one minute at a certain head measurement. To find the flow rate of a tank or other container using this method, simply time how long it takes for the container to fill, then divide 60 by that time (60 seconds / gallon = GPM).
Another way to calculate a water flow rate is to use a pressure gauge on your tank, and subtract atmospheric pressure from the pressure inside the tank. This will give you the amount of water flowing through the tank in a minute, then multiply this by the density of the fluid and divide by the pipe diameter to get the flow rate.
This calculator will allow you to convert between ten different angle measurement units, including degrees, radians, and more. Simply enter the value you would like to convert in the first field, then choose your conversion unit in the dropdown menu. You can also reset the calculator by clicking on the reload calculator button below it. gallons per minute to litres per minute